Swift Skin & Wound

Leading-edge wound care management from bedside to back office

Swift Skin and Wound is the most powerful wound engagement tool for organizations across the healthcare continuum, transforming every aspect of healing from point of care to patient administration and analysis.

Swift Wound Care App

Swift brings clinically calibrated wound imaging to your phone and tablet

Non-invasive wound measurement

Automatically capture length, width and surface area accurately with our fiducial marker, HealX. Basic measurements are automatically calculated, with additional measurements easily added. No more paper rulers and eye-balling measurements.
Learn more about HealX


Progress tracking with AI analysis

Swift Skin and Wound uses artificial intelligence to accurately measure the wound circumference, type and progress. Swift’s AI analyzes the wound and provides you and your wound specialists with a comprehensive view of your wound care population.

Fully configurable to your workflow

Define mandatory steps within a clinical workflow by customizing how nurses use the Swift Skin and Wound App. Drive consistent documentation across the board, and ensure accurate reporting and better patient outcomes.

Designed with wound care experts for anyone to use

Simple patient management

Call up patient profiles with QR codes or quickly filter to find the right case.

Flexible technology

Works on the vast majority of iOS and Android devices, from iOS 11 and Android Nougat.

Security built-in from the start

Enterprise encryption, hardening and compliance to international security best practices. More security

Swift Skin and Wound Dashboards

All you need to know about every wound care patient

The Swift Skin and Wound Solution includes dashboards that can be used to view a full range of patient population statistics and trends.

Patient View

A full breakdown of patient evaluations

A comprehensive overview of a patient’s status, including their complete wound history – images, measurements, evaluations and treatments.

This comprehensive chart can be exported to PDF.  All patients are assigned a Swift QR code for easy access to patients’ files.

Wounds view

Get a birds eye view of all skin and wound patients

You can view the trends of the wounds in each of the progress categories, with corresponding wound evaluations and applied treatments.

The graph shows a multi-month look back from the date selected so you can identify positive and negative trends by clinician, facility, treatment type and other categories.

Risk View

Monitor at-risk patients with or without wounds

You can view the trends of risk levels over time.  Risk levels are calculated through the risk evaluation completed via the mobile application.


Compliance View

See in-progress evaluations

The Compliance tab allows for clinicians and administrators to see in-progress evaluations that are not completed and locked.

The dashboard allows you to review type of evaluation, date created, fields completed, sign state, lock state, and which clinicians have created and revised the evaluation.

Survey and Population Views

Get automated reporting on total skin alterations

The survey graph gives a summary of new and existing skin alterations.

Population tab provides automated global or regional report for incidence and prevalence of wounds, over any time span.

Join top healthcare providers and transform your wound care program

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