Webcast: Are You Ready for SNF at Home?

In partnership with Home Health Care News – The questions home health agencies should be asking today

The desire to receive medical care while staying at home was a growing trend that has only been accelerated by the pandemic. This now holds true for even high-acuity patients and healthcare institutions are starting to take notice.

There is a window of opportunity for innovative Home Health agencies to take advantage of this coming shift and to position themselves as early experts.

This 45-minute virtual roundtable discussion has clinical experts from both SNF and Home Health settings who cover what “SNF-at-Home” means, the clinical implications for Home Health agencies, and the challenges and opportunities that you should plan for to get ahead of the pack.

We focus on pressure injury prevention and wound care will have to be addressed in this new model and share examples of the early work being done by trailblazing agencies.

This session is recommended for Clinical Wound Care Leaders, Innovative Agency Owners, and those who are interested in being pro-active and not reactive to changing Home Health trends.