swift x cornerstone vna

ROI of Digital Wound Care in Home Health

Like most home health agencies, Cornerstone VNA relied on traditional manual wound assessment tools and documentation, which created challenges in standardization and visibility of wound care in the home.

In 2020, Cornerstone VNA launched a digital wound care program, adopting Swift Medical’s AI-powered wound management platform to deliver more scalable and efficient wound care.

What you’ll get:

  • An overview of challenges that Cornerstone VNA (and most Home Health Agencies) faced
  • The benefits of adopting Swift’s wound care management platform
  • Real outcomes on what Cornerstone VNA experienced from implementing modern wound care technology
Swift Medical’s specialized wound management software is like no other – their innovative, AI-powered technology allows our staff to measure, monitor and manage wounds with unprecedented accuracy, visibility and collaboration.
  • Jennifer Gullison RN, MSN, Vice President of OperationsCornerstone VNA

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